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Developing communities through sustainable development

We believe in empowering communities through development and micro-enterprise to become self-sustainable. Our ministry partners are actively engaged in bringing about positive change in Jesus’ name.


The following ministry partners are based at a local level and work with communities to encourage holistic development:

View all Ministry Partners

Success Stories


Give a Gift and Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to empower their communities to become self-sustainable and thrive. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us to bring about positive change in Jesus’ name for years to come.



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  • Hits: 1226



Supporting the provision of education

We believe that education is key to breaking the misery of the poverty cycle. Some of our ministry partners provide pre-school, primary and secondary education to vulnerable children. Others provide educational support such as tutoring, uniforms and school supplies.


The following ministry partners work on the ground in their communities, bringing hope for the future through learning opportunities:

View all ministry partners

Success Stories

Donate Now

Give a Gift and Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to provide high quality educational support to vulnerable children. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us to fund education long into the future and make a bigger impact.

Donate Now


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  • Hits: 1246

Tackling Injustice

Tackling Injustice

Combatting modern-day slavery, human trafficking and exploitation

We believe in protecting those who are the most vulnerable to exploitation. Our ministry partners are at the forefront of serving the victims of such abuse.


The following ministry partners stand alongside their communities, tackling injustice and bringing freedom in Jesus’ name:

View All Ministry Partners

Success Stories

Give A Gift And Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to tackle injustice and bring freedom & hope to those suffering. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us to provide support in the long term and make a bigger impact.

Donate Now


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Our Finances

Our Finances

  • WorldShare values the highest standards of integrity, openness and transparency before God. We are grateful for the generous support of our committed donors and steward our income with care and wisdom.
  • WorldShare adheres to the Code of Fundraising Practice. We always seek to use financial gifts as instructed, however donations may be used elsewhere should the initial need be satisfied and/or the Trustees consider the gift could be utilised more appropriately to achieve the charity’s objectives.
  • As a small charity, WorldShare endeavours to keep operational costs to a minimum whilst ensuring that we undertake all of our fundraising and global responsibilities at the highest level. WorldShare therefore uses a proportion of all donations to enable us to continue to do this.

Our Annual Report 2023

Thanks to the response of our faithful supporters, 2023 was a year where WorldShare was able to issue grants at the second highest level in 13 years, continuing to enable our ministry partners to reach out to those around them with the Gospel.

  • Our total income for the year was £528,000, made up of donations received from a mixture of individual donors, churches, grant making trusts and corporate bodies.
  • Funds expended on charitable purposes were £485,000 (92% of total income). Monetary grant payments sent to our ministry partners were £289,000. 
  • To see examples of God’s faithfulness in action in 2023, as well as our annual accounts in full, download our Annual Report 2023.

Download Our Annual Report 2023

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6)

Supporting WorldShare in 2024

There are a multitude of ways to help support the work of WorldShare and its ministry partners around the world. Whether you are able to support in prayer or financially, organise a fundraising event or help build a partnership with your church, we are extremely grateful for whatever part you play.

Get Involved

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Our Team

Meet Our Team

WorldShare is blessed with a team of skilled individuals, working together to fulfil God’s mission.

Our Staff

Andrew Yelland

Chief Executive

Andrew joined WorldShare in 2022 having spent the previous 18 years as the Senior Pastor of a church in Bristol. In 2021 God directed Andrew to step down from pastoral ministry as there was another task that he wanted him to do. It has since been made very clear that this was to lead WorldShare into a new chapter of ministry. He is married to Teresa and his hobbies include motorcycling and skiing.

  • Clare Hill

    Operations Manager

    Clare began her career at WorldShare right after completing her secretarial and business studies in college, joining the organisation at the age of 18. As the longest-serving staff member, she has gained extensive experience across various areas of the organisation. Currently, she holds the position of Operations Manager. Clare is married with two adult children and invests a lot of time to her family life.

  • Vanessa Riley

    Fundraising Manager

    Vanessa has worked in the charity sector since 2003, across a range of organisations both Christian and secular. She is passionate about building relationships with supporters and donors that will strengthen WorldShare and its ministry partners to reach the world’s neediest places with the love of Jesus. Vanessa has two teenagers and is an avid ice hockey fan.

  • Santhosh Thomas

    Finance Officer

    Santhosh joined Worldshare in 2024. He is a Commerce graduate and has been associated with missions almost all of his adult life. He has a heart for sustainable charitable projects, enjoys travelling and experimenting with local cuisine. Santhosh is married to Greeshma, they have two daughters and live in Scunthorpe.

  • Emily Hobbs

    Senior Communications Officer

    Emily studied French and Hispanic studies at university and, after spending one year serving full time in her local church, joined WorldShare in 2019. Her love for mission grew whilst living and working in Ecuador as part of her degree, where she enjoyed sharing the Gospel with children with disabilities. Emily is married to Matt, they have two young children and live in Doncaster.

  • Burçin Lefevre

    Digital Communications Officer

    Burçin joined Worldshare in 2022, and has a heart for mission, having returned ‘temporarily’ from mission work in the Andean mountains of Peru in 2019. Prior to working in the Andes, he spent four years mobilising young adults for summer mission trips, and is keen to encourage many forms of cross-cultural mission work. Burçin is married to Milixa, they have three daughters and live in Doncaster.

  • Katie Wilson

    Assistant Communications Officer

    Katie joined WorldShare at the beginning of 2024 as a part of the communications team, and volunteers in the Coffee Shop attached to the church she attends. She is very involved in her church and enjoys singing and reading.

Our Board of Trustees

  • Neil Brighton

    Chair of Trustees

    Neil is a Baptist minister with an interest in global mission. Following pastorates in Keyworth and Poynton, he spent time in the Peruvian Amazon training church and community leaders. Returning to the UK, he was the UK team leader for an evangelical mission agency. He is currently completing an MA in Theology and Global Mission. He is married to Lori, an accountant, and they have two young adult children.

  • Lynn Davis

    With more than 20 years experience in a church leadership role alongside a career in the higher education sector, Lynn has a heart for mission. She has taken a key role in church mission trips across countries such as Cuba, Romania and Ghana, plus a 5 year partnership with a mission team in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lynn is married to Gilbert, they have two grown up children and live in Bristol. Her interests include running, walking and motorhome travel around the UK and beyond.

  • Zoe Dean

    Zoe’s heart is to see God’s love outworked through empowering people to build better lives for themselves and their community. This has led her to work with several charities and mission organisations in the Philippines and Kenya. She has recently completed a Masters in Conflict, Security and Development and is now working as a data analyst. Zoe is an active church member, having given her life to Christ at 14 years old. She also enjoys the outdoors and takes every opportunity to introduce others to God via the medium of outdoor activities and sports.

  • Adele Pilkington

    Adele is a medical doctor who has worked across the UK, including in mission and humanitarian aid organisations. She also has more than 20 years of experience in medical education and has an interest in medical ethics. She is a volunteer for a drugs education charity, pro-life, anti-trafficking, and local asylum seeker support groups. Her part-time theology studies reflected mission interest, mental health and Christian identity. In her spare time, she loves exploring the beauty of God’s creation.

  • Peter Summerside

    Peter worked for Worldshare from 1988 to 1994. Most of his career has been in construction project management and he currently works for Arcadis, an international property and construction consultancy. He is a Chartered Builder and Chartered Company Secretary. He has been involved in various capacities for several charitable organisations, specialising in regeneration, mission and homelessness. Peter is based in Northamptonshire, is married to Cathy and has two grown up children.

  • Daniel Ukiomogbe

    Daniel is a consultant solicitor and family mediator. He qualified in Nigeria as a barrister and solicitor, then requalified as a solicitor when he came to the UK. Daniel gave his life to Christ as a teenager and has been involved in rural evangelism and church planting in Nigeria. He is a men’s group leader in Kensington Temple London where he worships. Daniel is responsible for encouraging men to grow into maturity and become effective witnesses for Christ. Daniel is married to Elizabeth.

Our Network

  • Worldshare Australia

  • Partners International Canada

  • Partners International USA

  • CNEC Singapore

Our Social Media

Want to see what we get up to in the WorldShare office? Intrigued to discover what happens when we visit our ministry partners around the world? Eager to hear the latest news and prayer requests? Follow us on social media and get to know us better.

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Our Values

Our Values

We are Christ-centred, holistic, relational and prayerful. We want all our activities to be of the highest quality. Accordingly, we are constantly open to learn.

  • Respect

    We value all people as created in God’s image and loved by him. We value social and spiritual transformation because we believe that each person is a whole being.
  • Enabling

    We value the spiritual wellbeing of our ministry partners and seek to enrich their quality of life and build their capacity for God’s service.
  • Accountability

    We value the highest standards of integrity, openness and transparency before God.
  • Partnership

    We value our fellowship as servants together in the work of God. We value churches and other Christian organisations as positive agents of transformation in their communities and work exclusively through them.

Our Statement of Faith

WorldShare is part of the Evangelical Alliance

We believe in…

  • The Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  • One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory.
  • The Salvation of lost and sinful humanity through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.

  • The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Body to live eternally in the New Creation.

We would love to let you know about how your support is transforming lives by sending you our latest updates and appeals.

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About WorldShare

About Us

WorldShare equips local Christian partners as they share God’s love in practical ways with some of the world’s most vulnerable people, bringing hope and transforming lives.

Get involved

These local Christian partners (who we call our ministry partners) know the communities they are serving, they understand the culture and speak their language. This enables them to build trust and relationships as they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, working across the following areas:

Our Priorities

We give priority to:
  • The poor, the vulnerable and the marginalised
  • Christ-centred partnership with locally-led ministries.
  • The least resourced, least reached people of the world.
Two smiling children, a boy and a girl, happily embracing each other.

Our Objectives

  • Work in partnership with local Christians

  • Work with the poor, vulnerable and marginalised

  • Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  • Bring about transformational change

Our History

30 years before WorldShare was founded, Fred Savage left Worthing, England, to serve God in Jiangxi province, China. Fred and his wife Geraldine were amongst the first to see the need to trust pioneering Chinese evangelists to go to places the missionaries could not reach and where the ‘foreign-ness’ of the missionaries would not inhibit people from accepting Christ. From that seed, WorldShare was born.
  • A vintage family portrait featuring a mother, father, and their four young children.


    Japanese armies occupied Eastern China. The cities were bombed. Millions of starving refugees sought frantically for safety. Chinese church leaders were inspiring hundreds to commit their lives to reaching China for Christ. In 1943, the Savage’s’ son-in-law, Duncan McRoberts, raised funds to support these evangelists. The China Natives Evangelistic Crusade (CNEC), fore-runner of WorldShare, was created for this purpose.
  • A black and white portrait of a middle-aged man with short hair, wearing a suit and tie.


    After the war, a sister-organisation to the Seattle-based CNEC was founded in the UK in 1946. Duncan McRoberts saw that Christianity could now only reach the masses through Chinese Christians, not westerners. Amongst those who heard McRoberts speak in Seattle was Dr Alvin Jepson, who had been supporting indigenous Christians to reach their own peoples for 20 years. He became the first Chief Executive of CNEC.
  • A vintage photograph of a large brick house with many people, including children, gathered in front of it, set in a lush, tree-filled landscape.


    China was in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. Christians were entering decades of persecution and two million Chinese people fled to Hong Kong. The beginning of CNEC’s extensive child sponsorship ministry was in the Hong Kong refugee camps. Later, Chinese expatriate Christians would carry CNEC’s vision widely across Southeast Asia and the Philippines.
  • An elderly man with white hair and glasses is smiling at the camera. He is wearing a light pink, striped dress shirt and a colourful, patterned tie. The background is plain and light-coloured.


    In 1960, the organisation’s name was changed to Christian Nationals Evangelism Commission to reflect a concern for the wider world. Rev. Allen Finley was appointed as Executive Director - he and his wife Ruth would give over 43 years of service. By 1964, WorldShare’s ministry partners had planted 110 new churches, including 40 in pre-1949 China.
  • Three young children are playing and running on a dirt path between stone and concrete buildings.


    By 1983, there were 80 separate ministry partners, working in 41 countries. CNEC began with a primarily evangelistic impetus, though this was soon joined by ministry to the immediate physical needs of the Chinese refugees. Today, through our ministry partners, we manifest the love of Christ in a huge variety of ways.
  • A group of ten adults is standing together indoors, posing for a photo in front of banners from


    The UK office moved from Hertfordshire to Chadwell Heath in London and in 1991, to Bawtry Hall in South Yorkshire. In 1987, parts of the global alliance changed their name from CNEC and in 1997, our UK office followed suit by changing to WorldShare. We moved to our present home, Armstrong House, in 2010.
  • Four young children are standing against a brick wall, smiling and looking at the camera.


    WorldShare, and each of our alliance partners, continue today to aspire to fulfil the vision of Duncan McRoberts, Dr. Jepson and the other founders: to see indigenous Christians in China and elsewhere mobilised, equipped and enabled for Christian service within their communities.

Make an impact through WorldShare

Could you donate today and bring the hope of the Gospel and practical help to the lives of many? Please check out our immediate needs and prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond.

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WS Long Dark Blue Logo WorldShare

Share God's love in practical ways

WorldShare equips local Christian partners as they share God’s love in practical ways with some of the world’s most vulnerable people, bringing hope and transforming lives.

About us

  • Sharing the Gospel

  • Bringing Hope

  • Transforming Lives

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