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How We Help

How We Help

These local Christian partners (who we call our ministry partners) know the communities they are serving, they understand the culture and speak their language. This enables them to build trust and relationships as they share God’s love in practical ways.

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Success Stories

Story Example


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Support Our Mission

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Read more …How We Help

  • Hits: 1039

Sign Up

Sign Up

The first step to getting involved is to sign up to our regular updates

We would love to let you know about how your support is transforming lives by sending you our latest updates and appeals by email. You’ll receive our e-newsletters, jam packed with wonderful stories; our monthly prayer calendar, with up-to-date prayer requests from our ministry partners around the world; and you’ll be the first to hear about any urgent needs as soon as they arise. Don’t miss out, sign up today.

Could you donate today and bring the hope of the Gospel and practical help to the lives of many? Check out both our immediate and our ongoing needs and please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond.

Read more …Sign Up

  • Hits: 1924



Facilitating access to healthcare for impoverished communities

We believe everyone should have access to healthcare. Our ministry partners provide health services to those who otherwise would not have access to them.


The following ministry partners are situated in the heart of their communities, bringing physical and spiritual healing to those suffering:

View all Ministry Partners

Success Stories

Give a Gift and Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to provide health services to those who otherwise would not have access to them. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us to show God’s love in practical ways to those in need, both now and long into the future.



Read more …Health

  • Hits: 1666



Providing humanitarian assistance and urgent aid when emergencies arise

We believe that everyone has a right to be supported in their time of greatest need. Our ministry partners provide immediate humanitarian aid to all in their communities, both in the critical initial and subsequent phases of natural or man-made disasters.


The following ministry partners are working on the ground to bring compassionate emergency relief in times of turmoil:

View all Ministry Partners

Success Stories

Give a Gift and Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to support people when crises arise, bringing the hope of the Gospel and practical help to those most in need. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us be able to respond to future emergencies quickly and effectively.



Read more …Relief

  • Hits: 1674



Sharing the Gospel to bring hope and transform lives

We believe that all people of the world need to hear how much God loves them in relevant ways. Our ministry partners are sharing the Gospel, planting churches and training evangelists and future leaders, enabling the Good News to be proclaimed far and wide.


Our ministry partners are based at a local level and work on the ground in their communities.

View all Ministry Partners

Success Stories

Give a Gift and Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to share the Good News, plant churches and train leaders. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us to support Gospel centred ministry spread throughout the world, long into the future.



Read more …Evangelism

  • Hits: 2042



Developing communities through sustainable development

We believe in empowering communities through development and micro-enterprise to become self-sustainable. Our ministry partners are actively engaged in bringing about positive change in Jesus’ name.


The following ministry partners are based at a local level and work with communities to encourage holistic development:

View all Ministry Partners

Success Stories

Give a Gift and Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to empower their communities to become self-sustainable and thrive. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us to bring about positive change in Jesus’ name for years to come.



Read more …Community

  • Hits: 1899



Supporting the provision of education

We believe that education is key to breaking the misery of the poverty cycle. Some of our ministry partners provide pre-school, primary and secondary education to vulnerable children. Others provide educational support such as tutoring, uniforms and school supplies.


The following ministry partners work on the ground in their communities, bringing hope for the future through learning opportunities:

View all ministry partners

Success Stories

Give a Gift and Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to provide high quality educational support to vulnerable children. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us to fund education long into the future and make a bigger impact.

Donate Now


Read more …Education

  • Hits: 1885

Tackling Injustice

Tackling Injustice

Combatting modern-day slavery, human trafficking and exploitation

We believe in protecting those who are the most vulnerable to exploitation. Our ministry partners are at the forefront of serving the victims of such abuse.


The following ministry partners stand alongside their communities, tackling injustice and bringing freedom in Jesus’ name:

View All Ministry Partners

Success Stories

Give A Gift And Transform Lives

Donate today to enable our ministry partners to tackle injustice and bring freedom & hope to those suffering. Why not make it a regular gift? This will help us to provide support in the long term and make a bigger impact.

Donate Now


Read more …Tackling Injustice

  • Hits: 2493

Our Finances

Our Finances

  • WorldShare values the highest standards of integrity, openness and transparency before God. We are grateful for the generous support of our committed donors and steward our income with care and wisdom.
  • WorldShare adheres to the Code of Fundraising Practice. We always seek to use financial gifts as instructed, however donations may be used elsewhere should the initial need be satisfied and/or the Trustees consider the gift could be utilised more appropriately to achieve the charity’s objectives.
  • As a small charity, WorldShare endeavours to keep operational costs to a minimum whilst ensuring that we undertake all of our fundraising and global responsibilities at the highest level. WorldShare therefore uses a proportion of all donations to enable us to continue to do this.

Our Annual Report 2023

Thanks to the response of our faithful supporters, 2023 was a year where WorldShare was able to issue grants at the second highest level in 13 years, continuing to enable our ministry partners to reach out to those around them with the Gospel.

  • Our total income for the year was £528,000, made up of donations received from a mixture of individual donors, churches, grant making trusts and corporate bodies.
  • Funds expended on charitable purposes were £485,000 (92% of total income). Monetary grant payments sent to our ministry partners were £289,000. 
  • To see examples of God’s faithfulness in action in 2023, as well as our annual accounts in full, download our Annual Report 2023.

Download Our Annual Report 2023

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6)

Supporting WorldShare in 2024

There are a multitude of ways to help support the work of WorldShare and its ministry partners around the world. Whether you are able to support in prayer or financially, organise a fundraising event or help build a partnership with your church, we are extremely grateful for whatever part you play.

Get Involved

Read more …Our Finances

  • Hits: 1818