An Update on HEAL Africa
Thank you so much for praying for our ministry partner HEAL Africa, based in Goma, DR Congo. We have further updates to inform your prayers:
The current situation in Goma is changing rapidly. Despite a ceasefire being announced by M23 for humanitarian purposes and things beginning to return to some form of normality, many are still suffering. The death count stands at over 2,900 people and hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced in this wave of extreme violence.
The worst fighting was centred around the downtown area near the HEAL Africa Hospital, as well as the area near the airport. The hospital has been overcrowded as they care for hundreds of wounded patients (pictured below) and their operating rooms have been busy day and night. They have saved many, but some have died due to the complexity of their injuries. The mortuary is overflowing and they are working to identify the bodies. There are many bodies still in the streets of the city.

A week ago, when there was a pause in the fighting, HEAL Africa sent out two ambulance drivers to bring in more doctors and nurses. They were attacked. One of the drivers was shot in the back and the thigh. He lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a telegraph pole. The two drivers were able to escape in the second vehicle by driving back on tyre rims (pictured above). Thank God they have both survived.
HEAL Africa report that they now have internet access again, and the socioeconomic activities are gradually resuming. However, schools and banks remain closed. One of the two electrical lines was restored and part of the city has electricity again. The electricity that HEAL Africa have at the hospital is insufficient for all their needs. They still have to use the generator, especially during the daytime when big machines like the CT Scanner are in use. Current pressing needs include:
- Fuel for the generator
- Medicines and other consumables,
- Food for patients,
- Assistance to get their ambulances repaired (both their ambulances were severely damaged during the worse of the conflict)
- Infection control items.
WorldShare has received details of a bank account in Rwanda which HEAL Africa can access – this will enable them to purchase desperately needed supplies and equipment.