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About Us

WorldShare equips local Christian partners as they share God’s love in practical ways with some of the world’s most vulnerable people, bringing hope and transforming lives.

These local Christian partners (who we call our ministry partners) know the communities they are serving, they understand the culture and speak their language. This enables them to build trust and relationships as they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, working across the following areas:

Our Priorities

We give priority to:
  • The poor, the vulnerable and the marginalised
  • Christ-centred partnership with locally-led ministries.
  • The least resourced, least reached people of the world.
Two smiling children, a boy and a girl, happily embracing each other.

Our Objectives

Work in partnership with local Christians

Work with the poor, vulnerable and marginalised

Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Bring about transformational change

Our History

30 years before WorldShare was founded, Fred Savage left Worthing, England, to serve God in Jiangxi province, China. Fred and his wife Geraldine were amongst the first to see the need to trust pioneering Chinese evangelists to go to places the missionaries could not reach and where the ‘foreign-ness’ of the missionaries would not inhibit people from accepting Christ. From that seed, WorldShare was born.
A vintage family portrait featuring a mother, father, and their four young children.


Japanese armies occupied Eastern China. The cities were bombed. Millions of starving refugees sought frantically for safety. Chinese church leaders were inspiring hundreds to commit their lives to reaching China for Christ. In 1943, the Savage’s’ son-in-law, Duncan McRoberts, raised funds to support these evangelists. The China Natives Evangelistic Crusade (CNEC), fore-runner of WorldShare, was created for this purpose.
A black and white portrait of a middle-aged man with short hair, wearing a suit and tie.


After the war, a sister-organisation to the Seattle-based CNEC was founded in the UK in 1946. Duncan McRoberts saw that Christianity could now only reach the masses through Chinese Christians, not westerners. Amongst those who heard McRoberts speak in Seattle was Dr Alvin Jepson, who had been supporting indigenous Christians to reach their own peoples for 20 years. He became the first Chief Executive of CNEC.
A vintage photograph of a large brick house with many people, including children, gathered in front of it, set in a lush, tree-filled landscape.


China was in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. Christians were entering decades of persecution and two million Chinese people fled to Hong Kong. The beginning of CNEC’s extensive child sponsorship ministry was in the Hong Kong refugee camps. Later, Chinese expatriate Christians would carry CNEC’s vision widely across Southeast Asia and the Philippines.
An elderly man with white hair and glasses is smiling at the camera. He is wearing a light pink, striped dress shirt and a colourful, patterned tie. The background is plain and light-coloured.


In 1960, the organisation’s name was changed to Christian Nationals Evangelism Commission to reflect a concern for the wider world. Rev. Allen Finley was appointed as Executive Director - he and his wife Ruth would give over 43 years of service. By 1964, WorldShare’s ministry partners had planted 110 new churches, including 40 in pre-1949 China.
Three young children are playing and running on a dirt path between stone and concrete buildings.


By 1983, there were 80 separate ministry partners, working in 41 countries. CNEC began with a primarily evangelistic impetus, though this was soon joined by ministry to the immediate physical needs of the Chinese refugees. Today, through our ministry partners, we manifest the love of Christ in a huge variety of ways.
A group of ten adults is standing together indoors, posing for a photo in front of banners from


The UK office moved from Hertfordshire to Chadwell Heath in London and in 1991, to Bawtry Hall in South Yorkshire. In 1987, parts of the global alliance changed their name from CNEC and in 1997, our UK office followed suit by changing to WorldShare. We moved to our present home, Armstrong House, in 2010.
Four young children are standing against a brick wall, smiling and looking at the camera.


WorldShare, and each of our alliance partners, continue today to aspire to fulfil the vision of Duncan McRoberts, Dr. Jepson and the other founders: to see indigenous Christians in China and elsewhere mobilised, equipped and enabled for Christian service within their communities.

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