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Our Finances

  • WorldShare values the highest standards of integrity, openness and transparency before God. We are grateful for the generous support of our committed donors and steward our income with care and wisdom.
  • WorldShare adheres to the Code of Fundraising Practice. We always seek to use financial gifts as instructed, however donations may be used elsewhere should the initial need be satisfied and/or the Trustees consider the gift could be utilised more appropriately to achieve the charity’s objectives.
  • As a small charity, WorldShare endeavours to keep operational costs to a minimum whilst ensuring that we undertake all of our fundraising and global responsibilities at the highest level. WorldShare therefore uses a proportion of all donations to enable us to continue to do this.

Our Annual Report 2023

Thanks to the response of our faithful supporters, 2023 was a year where WorldShare was able to issue grants at the second highest level in 13 years, continuing to enable our ministry partners to reach out to those around them with the Gospel.

  • Our total income for the year was £528,000, made up of donations received from a mixture of individual donors, churches, grant making trusts and corporate bodies.
  • Funds expended on charitable purposes were £485,000 (92% of total income). Monetary grant payments sent to our ministry partners were £289,000. 
  • To see examples of God’s faithfulness in action in 2023, as well as our annual accounts in full, download our Annual Report 2023.

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6)

Supporting WorldShare in 2024

There are a multitude of ways to help support the work of WorldShare and its ministry partners around the world. Whether you are able to support in prayer or financially, organise a fundraising event or help build a partnership with your church, we are extremely grateful for whatever part you play.