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Potter’s House, Guatemala

Fighting poverty in Guatemala’s poorest communities through holistic community programmes

Potter’s House walks alongside disadvantaged individuals and families living among landfill sites and in rural communities in Guatemala. Out of their community centres in Guatemala City, Chiquimula and the Western Highlands, the team run holistic programmes which are underpinned by the Christian faith. They aim to create lasting change, which comes when communities are empowered to break the cycle of poverty.

How Potter’s House, Guatemala are changing the lives of their community

A group of children studying at school


Providing children with an after-school coaching programme to supplement the very basic education in Guatemalan schools. Children are sponsored through our ChildAid programme.

A young boy eating lunch

Health and Nutrition

Providing medical attention and education on the basics of disease prevention and personal hygiene to all. Providing sponsored children with nutritious meals which helps them to reach the national average for their height and weight.

A woman holding crops smiling at the camera


Providing financial resources and guidance to enable people to start or grow a small business and increase their income.

A young family smiling at the camera

Family Development

Providing spiritual guidance for families, focusing on reconnecting the family as a unit and teaching them how to communicate effectively.

A group of construction workers working outside a large community building.

Community Development

Promoting community participation and collaboration for projects such as infrastructure and evangelism.

Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating or becoming a ChildAid sponsor. Your support helps provide education, healthcare and a path to self-sufficiency for those in need. With your help, Potter’s House can continue to serve vulnerable people in Guatemala.