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Beginning of Life, Moldova

Empowering those lacking opportunities in Moldova, addressing physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs

Beginning of Life empowers people in Moldova, regardless of background, to find their voice, fostering the hope of the Gospel and transformation in families and communities. In a country with poor education, limited job opportunities, mass migration, high rates of domestic abuse and human trafficking, Beginning of Life runs a range of enriching programmes from its Urban Centre.

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  • An infant child with an adult, practicing arts and crafts.

    Early Years Support

    Providing a healthy and safe learning environment for preschool children and their parents. Improving parenting skills & parent-child relationships and providing practical & psychological support to families in need.

  • A group of young people, embracing each other in a circle.

    Youth Development

    Providing holistic personal development for vulnerable young people, both at the Urban Centre and in schools.

  • a group of older women practicing arts and crafts around a table.

    Psychological Art Studio

    Providing therapeutic services to restore the well-being of children, adolescents and adults who are survivors of psychological trauma, abuse and war (in particular Ukrainian refugees).

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support helps prevent exclusion and exploitation, empowering people of all ages to achieve their God-given potential. With your help, Beginning of Life can continue to bring hope and purpose to many in Moldova.

Donate to Beginning of Life, Moldova

Our Other Ministries

ChrisFon, Pakistan

Hope, dignity and sustainability for those enslaved in bonded labour in Pakistan

ChrisFon faithfully serves those living in poverty in the brick kiln communities of Pakistan, helping people to combat injustice. With little access to education or alternative income opportunities, families are left enslaved by the deep-rooted bonded labour system. Debts often pass from one generation to the next, leaving children to repay the family debt. ChrisFon’s mission is to share the love of God through community development. 

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  • A young girl in a white headscarf and turquoise outfit sits at a sewing machine, with other women around her.


    Providing income generation opportunities and training including animal husbandry, growing vegetables and sewing clothes. ChrisFon also educates labourers in personal financial and debt management.

  • A smiling woman in a green headscarf holds a plate of flowers, with others around her, in an outdoor setting near a brick wall.

    Health Camps

    Providing health camps in order to educate people on good hygiene and tackle common problems that otherwise go undiagnosed.

  • A man in a suit gestures with his hands while speaking outdoors, with a brick wall and tree in the background.


    Providing opportunities for people to hear the Gospel and support for believers who are persecuted because of their faith.

  • Four smiling children stand close together against a brick wall, with a few people and more bricks in the background.

    Literacy Training

    Providing reading classes to tackle the high rates of illiteracy in families and therefore help them to better understand their employment contracts.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support helps prevent the cycle of poverty from continuing and frees those enslaved in bonded labour. With your help, ChrisFon can continue to use its multi-pronged approach to ministry, bringing hope, dignity and sustainability to those who have been struggling for generations.

Donate to ChrisFon, Pakistan

Our Other Ministries

Christian Mission to Gaza

Encouraging, supporting and equipping persecuted Christians and refugees in Gaza

Christian Mission to Gaza serves as one of the few Christian organisations working in Gaza, a city facing extreme population density and poverty. Their holistic ministry addresses the physical and spiritual needs of hundreds of Christian and Muslim families. Our partnership has been entered into without bias and does not indicate our support for either side involved in the current conflict. Our heart and aim is to serve those affected in Jesus’ name.

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  • Three men stand in a narrow alleyway holding bags of supplies, wearing jackets on a chilly day.

    Aid Distribution

    Providing food, clean water and essential items to struggling refugee families. Longer term they are committed to reducing the need for hunger relief by helping families achieve more stable lives.

  • Two young children in school uniforms sit at a table, with one girl eating an apple and a boy looking curiously at the camera


    Providing support to Lighthouse School, the only evangelical school in the Gaza Strip, catering for 240 students. They fund scholarships, uniforms and daily lunches for the pupils.

  • Two men warmly embrace, smiling with their eyes closed, in a heartfelt moment indoors.

    Christian Witness

    Providing discipleship to persecuted Christians and Gospel outreach to Muslims, in partnership with Gaza Baptist Church, the only evangelical church in the Gaza Strip. Among the nearly two million Muslims in Gaza there are only an estimated 1,000 Christians.

  • Two young girls smile and form a heart shape with their hands, wearing casual jackets and standing in front of a blue metal fence.

    Psychological Support

    Providing counselling sessions and workshops to those psychologically affected by the conflict, helping adults and children to articulate emotions and overcome trauma.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support helps to serve those affected, both physically and psychologically, by the conflict in the Gaza Strip. With your help, Christian Mission to Gaza can continue to provide relief for the hurting in Jesus’ name.

Donate to Christian Mission to Gaza

Evangelical Church in North Macedonia

A network of churches spreading the good news of Jesus across North Macedonia

The Evangelical Church in North Macedonia is crossing ancient cultural boundaries, fighting perceptions and tackling discrimination to plant local churches across the whole country. In what is one of the poorest countries in Europe, both financially and spiritually, this ministry seeks to draw people into loving church communities through a wide variety of evangelistic programmes.

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  • an older man being baptised with a group of people watching

    Training Leaders

    Providing Bible training to those hungry to learn, raising up faithful leaders who can share the Gospel throughout North Macedonia.

  • A young woman handling a leaflet to another woman

    Children and Youth Outreach

    Providing Christian outreach to young people, both on Sundays and during the week, encompassing Bible teaching, crafts, games, songs and dramas. National youth conferences and children’s Bible camps also take place throughout the year.

  • A group of young ministry women smiling at the camera

    Women’s Ministry

    Providing safe spaces for women to be discipled through Bible studies and fellowship. Large-scale evangelistic events attract hundreds of women, many of whom give their life to Christ.

  • A group of people ,all mixed ages, smiling for the camera at a church event.

    Evangelistic Events

    Providing opportunities for churches to reach out to their local communities via seminars, Bible distributions, music events and outreach to people with disabilities.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support enables the good news of Jesus to spread across North Macedonia. With your help, the Evangelical Church in North Macedonia can continue to reach out with love and care, bringing hope and transforming lives.

Donate to Evangelical Church in North Macedonia

Our Other Ministries

HEAL Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Providing physical, spiritual and social healing to the people of DR Congo through holistic care

HEAL Africa runs a Christian medical ministry in the war-torn region of DR Congo. It has evolved beyond a hospital to encompass a more holistic approach, focusing on rebuilding individuals and communities through a range of development programmes rooted in Christian principles.

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  • a medical professional wearing protective clothing looking at the camera


    Providing specialised care for patients in obstetrics & gynaecology (including fistula repair), orthopedics & traumatology, internal medicine, paediatrics, family medicine, emergencies, pathology, radiology, etc. The poorest and most vulnerable patients are helped through the Mercy Fund.

  • two people sitting in an office sharing documents

    Training Medical Professionals

    Providing teaching and training for Congolese doctors at HEAL Africa’s tertiary hospital in the city of Goma, particularly in the fields of Family Medicine and General Surgery, to help address the shortage of qualified medical professionals in DR Congo.

  • a large group of people sitting outside, a mixture of children and women.


    Providing training in Clinical Pastoral Care (CPT) for chaplains and pastors from churches, schools and prisons. Providing follow-up training for local chaplains, pastors & church leaders, and community & local authority leaders in different communities, teaching them the ‘SALT approach’ to active listening & reconciliation mediation.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support helps provide compassionate medical care, train health professionals and facilitate chaplaincy work. With your help, HEAL Africa can continue to serve vulnerable people in DR Congo.

Donate to HEAL Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo

JKPS, India

Breaking the cycle of poverty and injustice in Kolkata through community development, education, advocacy and physical support
Hidden behind the thriving industrialised region of Kolkata are rural communities, living in extreme poverty. JKPS has an extensive ministry, serving these slum communities and the most vulnerable, all done through the lens of Jesus' love for all. They run education centres, mobile medical units, micro-finance schemes, community development programmes and anti-trafficking work.

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  • two young men working at a computer


    Providing tutoring for children in slum communities, where school provision is very poor and many children end up leaving education at a young age. Children are sponsored through our ChildAid programme.
  • doctors standing around a table, talking to a patient.

    Medical Camps

    Providing health and dental care to poor communities around Kolkata, using mobile medical units.
  • two women working together to design a garment.


    Providing microfinance schemes and training to women, enabling them to start or develop a small business.
  • A young woman being embraced by three other women.

    Anti-traffic Work

    Providing safety for victims of human trafficking and children of women working in the red-light district via an extensive network of homes and support centres, run through JKPS’s sister organisation, Mahima Homes. The women and children have access to healthcare, legal advice, counselling, food and vocational training.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating or becoming a ChildAid sponsor. Your support helps provide anti-trafficking work, education, healthcare and a path to self-sufficiency for those in need. With your help, JKPS can continue to serve vulnerable people in Kolkata, India.

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Kanal Hayat, Turkey & West Asia

Broadcasting Christian content into Turkey and West Asia to reach those seeking truth

Despite the strong opposing cultures in the region and the increasing risks from extremist groups, Kanal Hayat’s programmes continue to open people’s hearts to Jesus. Broadcasting into predominantly Muslim areas, they use their website, YouTube channel and other social media platforms to publish engaging Christian content.

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  • a young man sitting in a chair with a recording camera in front of him recording.

    Evangelistic Programmes

    Providing compelling Gospel content, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to areas where there is little to no Christian input. This includes evangelistic films, seminars, documentaries, music programmes and life stories of famous people who have faith in Jesus.

  • A group of five people sitting around a table, talking.

    Discipleship Programmes

    Providing Bible teaching and discipleship, both televised and online, to isolated believers who have limited local fellowship. Topics include practical Christian living, features for women and children’s programmes.

  • A group of army individuals huddled around a phone watching an interview.

    Follow-up Network

    Providing a way for viewer responses to be answered with either a home visit to give more information and prayer support, or by introducing them to local Christians and churches to connect with. The number of people responding to the broadcasts is ever-increasing and there are growing opportunities for Kanal Hayat to meet with those responding.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support helps provide Christian online content into Turkey and West Asia to reach out to those seeking truth and hope. With your help, Kanal Hayat can continue to connect viewers with local believers, enabling Gospel-centered fellowship to flourish in areas where there is none.

Donate to Kanal Hayat, Turkey & West Asia

Our Other Ministries

Living Word of Faith, Ghana

Providing a safe space for children to be educated and build a better, more hope-filled future

Living Word of Faith Evangelistic Ministries is a church which founded and now runs High Priest Academy, a school located in a remote suburb of Dome, Ghana. The community is characterised by its various housing developments and markets, few schools or healthcare facilities and a range of social issues that arise out of poverty

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  • A young girl writing on a chalk board at school


    Providing quality education for local children, with the majority of the students receiving scholarships from the church. The school aims to reduce, and ultimately irradicate, the levels of social disadvantage in the Dome community.

  • A group of young children sharing food around a table at school

    Daily Meals

    Providing every student at the school with a nutritious lunch to make sure they have at least one meal per day.

  • A large group of children raising their hands whilst attending a church ceremony.

    Christian Witness

    Providing opportunities for the school children to hear the good news of Jesus through the daily assembly with prayers, memory verse recitals and Bible-based curriculum.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support helps provide early childhood education, daily meals and Bible teaching to precious young people in Ghana. With your help, Living Word of Faith can continue to bring hope to those who are lacking opportunities and living below the poverty line.

Donate to Living Word of Faith, Ghana

Our Other Ministries

Medical Ambassadors Foundation, Albania

Establishing churches in poor communities to achieve sustainable physical and spiritual change

Medical Ambassadors Foundation shares the love of Christ in marginalised communities around the city of Korcé, Albania. In these predominantly Muslim villages, poverty, high unemployment levels and a lack of access to basic facilities mean that many have lost hope. Much of their work is done using a process called Community Health Evangelism, which addresses the needs of the whole person.

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  • Church Planting

    Providing Christian outreach and discipleship to communities hungry for the Gospel, leading to new churches being established and matured. Programmes include leadership training, women’s ministry, children & youth activities and marriage classes.

  • Child Support

    Providing at-risk children with food parcels, clothing, medical checks, counselling, school supplies and educational support. They are encouraged to attend the regular church children’s groups, worship events and summer Bible camps. The children are sponsored through our ChildAid programme.

  • Community Development

    Providing practical support through Community Health Evangelism teams, bringing longterm transformation to remote areas of Albania. This includes projects such as neighbourhood clean ups, seed distribution to farmers and support for people with disabilities.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating or becoming a ChildAid sponsor. Your support enables small church plants in Albania to build relationships with the most vulnerable communities. With your help, Medical Ambassadors Foundation can continue to help those in need to achieve sustainable physical and spiritual change.

Donate to Medical Ambassadors Foundation, Albania

Our Other Ministries

PiFò Haiti

  • Ministry Video:
  • Related Theme:
Empowering future generations through Haitian-led education and community development programmes
What began as a ministry to provide Christian education to children on the island of La Gonâve, Haiti, has slowly evolved to become the holistic support network it is today. PiFò Haiti (using the Haitian Créole word meaning stronger) focuses on capacity, not poverty, as it empowers future generations, all with the goal of locally-led sustainability.

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  • Four children embracing each other at school.

    Student Scholarships

    Providing hundreds of Haitian children with quality education, taught by Christian teachers and partially funded by scholarships.
  • three men looking over a brick wall into the camera, smiling.

    Vocational Training Support

    Providing tuition assistance and financial support for people wanting to undertake teaching training or attend a local trade school, leading to employment opportunities and self-sustainability.
  • One man, looking into the camera, whilst working on a farm.

    Community Garden Project

    Providing a sustainable way to combat severe food insecurity through a large garden project in the mountainous community of Palma. It also provides the creation of jobs for local people who will grow and sell the produce.
  • A group of people lining up for food at a canteen

    Food Programme

    Providing nutritious meals or dry food packages to the vulnerable when the need arises, including school pupils, the elderly, prison inmates and people living in poorer neighbourhoods.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support enables a team of Haitians on the island of La Gonâve to empower future generations through education and development programmes. With your help, PiFò Haiti can continue to invest in local initiatives and the economy through Haitian-led projects.

Our Other Ministries

Potter’s House, Guatemala

Fighting poverty in Guatemala’s poorest communities through holistic community programmes

Potter’s House walks alongside disadvantaged individuals and families living among landfill sites and in rural communities in Guatemala. Out of their community centres in Guatemala City, Chiquimula and the Western Highlands, the team run holistic programmes which are underpinned by the Christian faith. They aim to create lasting change, which comes when communities are empowered to break the cycle of poverty.

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  • A group of children studying at school


    Providing children with an after-school coaching programme to supplement the very basic education in Guatemalan schools. Children are sponsored through our ChildAid programme.

  • A young boy eating lunch

    Health and Nutrition

    Providing medical attention and education on the basics of disease prevention and personal hygiene to all. Providing sponsored children with nutritious meals which helps them to reach the national average for their height and weight.

  • A woman holding crops smiling at the camera


    Providing financial resources and guidance to enable people to start or grow a small business and increase their income.

  • A young family smiling at the camera

    Family Development

    Providing spiritual guidance for families, focusing on reconnecting the family as a unit and teaching them how to communicate effectively.

  • A group of construction workers working outside a large community building.

    Community Development

    Promoting community participation and collaboration for projects such as infrastructure and evangelism.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating or becoming a ChildAid sponsor. Your support helps provide education, healthcare and a path to self-sufficiency for those in need. With your help, Potter’s House can continue to serve vulnerable people in Guatemala.

Donate to Potter's House, Guatemala

Our Other Ministries

Wakisa Ministries, Uganda

Providing physical, emotional and spiritual support to young mothers facing trauma and rejection

In the heart of Uganda, Wakisa Ministries runs a pregnancy crisis centre, providing a safe space for young mothers to heal. The women have often suffered sexual abuse from a family member or neighbour, resulting in rejection by their community and at risk of poor health. Wakisa Ministries provides these precious young mothers with the tools they need to support themselves after they leave the centre.

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  • a group of nine pregnant ladies lined up in a line, smiling at the camera


    Providing pre- and post-natal medical care and classes on how to care for a child to young women. Mothers arriving at Wakisa Ministries are often malnourished and suffering from the impacts of abuse.

  • a young mother looking into the camera whilst holding her newborn baby.


    Providing one-to-one counselling for the women as they heal from the trauma they have experienced and, where appropriate, helping to reconcile them with their families.

  • a woman reading the bible to a group at church

    Gospel Teaching

    Providing a loving, Christian environment for the young girls to be nurtured in, where they can participate in chapel services and Bible studies.

  • a young woman holding up a garment she made to the camera.

    Vocational Skills and Education

    Providing vocational skills training such as sewing, cooking and agriculture, plus educational support for those returning to school.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating. Your support helps provide temporary shelter, counselling and pre- and post-natal medical care to these young mothers, ensuring they don’t have to face pregnancy alone. With your help, Wakisa Ministries can continue to serve vulnerable women in Uganda.

Donate to Wakisa Ministriues, Uganda

Our Other Ministries

Word of Hope, Myanmar

Sharing the Gospel in Myanmar with physical demonstrations of God’s love and provision

Word of Hope is tackling perceptions and barriers to bring more people to Jesus in a country where Christians face adversity, persecution and isolation. The ministry encompasses an Assemblies of God church, an orphanage and a Bible college, all places where loving care and fellowship are top priorities.

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a group of young school children smiling at the camera during a lesson.
  • A large group of children sitting outside

    Word of Hope Orphanage

    Providing around 50 children with a safe and positive home environment where they receive food, clothing, medical checks, educational support and Christian witness. Some of the children are orphaned, some abandoned and some have parents unable to afford to care for them. The children are sponsored through our ChildAid programme.

  • a line of young adults at a graduation ceremony

    Hope Bible College

    Providing quality Bible training to individuals, equipping them to become Evangelists and Pastors in their own communities. Word of Hope is helping to ensure that the Gospel of Christ will not only be spread in Myanmar now, but well into the future.

  • A group of people having their photo taken at church

    Word of Hope Church

    Providing church fellowship to Christians who face persecution in Myanmar. The church family also reaches out to the neediest within their community, living out Jesus' command to clothe the poor and feed the hungry.

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Make an Impact Today

Join the mission today by donating or becoming a ChildAid sponsor. Your support helps provide a safe home for children and Bible teaching & training to many in Myanmar. With your help, Word of Hope can continue to compassionately serve the vulnerable and bring the transformational hope of Jesus.

Donate to Word of Hope, Myanmar

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