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ChildAid Update

27 June 2024
A group of young boys eating lunch around a table, smiling at the camera.

We are delighted to share with you a ChildAid Update

As you read about how our ministry partners have been supporting precious young people, we hope you are encouraged that your prayers and generous giving are making a difference. Thank you once again to all our committed ChildAid sponsors - you’re amazing!


Medical Ambassadors Foundation would like us to praise God with them that:

- In February, they were able to buy some large puppets (pictured) and refurbish the puppet theatre for their children’s ministry. This was using funds send by WorldShare, following a successful grant application.
- The children enjoyed celebrating Easter at MAF’s church services, where they were reminded that Jesus is alive!
- Many of the children have recently completed a series of 12 Bible lessons at church. In the last session, they had a competition on Bible stories and memory verses. It was a fun time for all, where they grew in love and knowledge of Jesus.


Give great thanks to God for recent successes at Potter’s House:

- On 15th January, a new dental clinic was opened, serving children and their families (pictured). Pray those who need the support most would benefit.
- In February, the education programmes restarted after the holidays (pictured). Praise God that the children are improving academically, particularly in their ‘logical-mathematical thinking’.
- The children have had the opportunity to participate in various special workshops recently, including physical education (pictured), maths and Bible reading.
- All the sponsored children are receiving a nutritious lunch three times a week. They are making amazing progress in their health and wellbeing.

Please pray for:
- The 25 secondary school students who will be graduating at the end of this academic year. Ask God to help them to focus, enjoy their studies & succeed.


JKPS have seen God answer prayers in their children’s ministry recently:

- 14 young people made confessions of faith at a youth camp. The event included praise and worship, as well as sessions on career guidance and mental health.
- In January, JKPS held a sports day for 40 children (pictured), helping them to grow in confidence, patience, teamwork and leadership skills.
- Throughout February and March, school supplies were distributed to all the children supported through JKPS' tuition centres (pictured).
- Many children have matured spiritually over the last year, especially whilst studying the book of Exodus in their weekly Bible fellowship groups.

Please pray for:
- Fruit from the three-day summer camp for all the sponsored children (pictured), which took place last week. Ask God to grow the faith of all those who attended.


Word of Hope Orphanage would love us to thank God with them that:

- All children received excellent results in their end of year exams in February.
- Since the school holidays began in March, the children have loved being involved in daily activities. In the mornings they have English lessons - laying the foundations for their future. In the afternoons they enjoy singing, dancing, painting (pictured), studying the Bible and praying (pictured) - nurturing their personal development and spiritual growth. In the evenings they play games, football and watch TV - fostering friendships and teamwork.
- The children had the opportunity to experience the joy of a water festival, spreading laughter and happiness as they played together (pictured).

Please pray for:
- The children as they move up to their new classes at school in June, when the academic year starts again. Pray they would settle in quickly and enjoy learning.

Thank you for praying.

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