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Urgent Prayer Request for Goma

14 February 2024
a landscape photo of a shanty town

You may not be aware of the extent of the situation (as it has been mostly overlooked by the news media here in the UK) but right now DR Congo is in the midst of a harrowing humanitarian crisis. For almost two years now, there has been intense military conflict between the Congolese army and the M23 armed rebel group in the Eastern DR Congo region. This conflict has forced nearly seven million people to flee from their homes into the capital city of Goma (where our ministry partner HEAL Africa is based) and to internally displaced people (IDP) camps surrounding the city, where they hoped they would be kept safe from the conflict.

However, in the last two weeks the fighting has reached the outskirts of the city and is intensifying rapidly.

On 2nd February, while children here in the UK were finishing up their week at school, the sounds of explosions were ringing out at HEAL Africa’s primary school (a project we are not currently involved in funding) in the Mugunga IDP camp just outside Goma.

And then just last week, there was another update from HEAL Africa saying that four rockets had reached Goma, one landing near the University and one landing near the primary school, forcing them to send the students home and temporarily shut the school.

Up until this point, it’s been incredible to see the bravery and commitment of HEAL Africa to continue serving those around them. They have responded quickly to meet the new and urgent needs of their communities, while also adapting their ongoing programmes to ensure they can continue transforming lives and restoring hope. When hearing from them in recent months, it would seem as though the atrocities, violence and crime all around them had just become part of daily life in Goma, as they continued to get up each day to go to work for God’s kingdom…

But this latest escalation in violence has really scared them.

Please join with us in prayer and support for our brothers and sisters in DR Congo.

Together, let us pray:

For the safety of our ministry partner HEAL Africa, the people they serve, and everyone trapped in the path of this conflict.
For a de-escalation of the fighting between the army and rebel forces, for a resolution to be found and for peace in the region.
For those that have been forced to flee from their homes and are witnessing and experiencing daily atrocities of war.
For an end to the siege of Goma city that is leading to disastrous disease outbreaks and food shortages.
That this humanitarian crisis might gain the attention and support it urgently needs from the international community.
For HEAL Africa as they bravely continue showing Jesus' love and serving the most vulnerable members of their community.

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