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Jefferson’s Potter’s House Journey

16 August 2023
A young boy eating his lunch, smiling for the camera.

At WorldShare, we are proud to have Potter’s House in Guatemala as a ministry partner. One of the ways we work together is through our ChildAid programme, working to transform the lives of underprivileged children. ChildAid seeks to provide vital support in education and healthcare for all children sponsored through WorldShare. Potter’s House, our ministry partner on the ground, helps to make this vision a reality.

Let us tell you a story about Jefferson, who is part of the ChildAid programme in Momostenango, the Western Region of Guatemala. Jefferson is sponsored through WorldShare’s ChildAid, by a Baptist Church in London.

Jefferson is the youngest of four brothers in one ‘Los Cipreses’ community. His mother is a homemaker, while his dad works hard as a merchant in another state, joining the family on weekends. There was a time when both parents worked, but they soon realised that Jefferson needed extra care, so, with heavy hearts, they decided mum would focus on being there for the family, and dad would work hard to provide.

PH 2023 08 Jefferson on stool
Jefferson joined Potter’s House Education program in June 2022, facing a few hurdles. He struggled with his studies, didn’t much care for school, and his parents were initially unaware of their role in his education. In fact, he was what Potter’s House call a T.E.R. case (Treasure at Risk, in Spanish). So, Potter’s House started looking into his home and school life to identify the issue that was hindering his academic progress.

What Jefferson needed was some hands-on help. Potter’s House began encouraging his parents to get more involved, like helping him with homework and showing up for school events. They had one-on-one chats with them to emphasise their roles as parents.

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The result? Jefferson’s parents became very engaged, and it showed. His grades shot up during the 2nd and 3rd terms, plus, he’s in much better shape nutrition-wise. He used to be moderately malnourished, but now he’s one of the children with a normal nutritional status. He never misses a beat at the community centre, with a perfect attendance record.

But here’s the best part: this transformation isn’t just about Jefferson. His whole family is on a journey of positive change. His mother now volunteers in the Potter’s House kitchen, and his father has been actively participating in Potter’s House’s ‘Schools for Parents’. It starting to look like this is just the beginning of something great for the whole family!

We want to express our gratitude to all our ChildAid sponsors for enabling these success stories. Your support motivates us and ministry partners like Potter’s House to keep believing that positive change is achievable when we provide individuals with the right opportunities to overcome their current circumstances!

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