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From Search to Salvation

16 October 2024

Kanal Hayat broadcasts Christian content throughout Turkey and neighbouring countries via its website, YouTube channel and other social media platforms. Despite cultural opposition in the region and growing risks from extremist groups, their broadcasts continue to touch people's hearts and lead them to Jesus. We would love to share with you the testimony of Ali, psychologist and Kanal Hayat host. When he desperately called out to Jesus, he heard a voice inside him saying, “I am the one you have been looking for”.

My path to faith

"My journey began during a time when I felt lost and was searching for meaning. Raised in a culture where faith wasn’t central, I often found myself questioning my purpose. Everything changed when I met a fellow psychology student who was a Christian. I thought she was crazy, but our conversations sparked a curiosity in me, and I wanted to learn more about her faith.

One day, she invited me to a church service. I was surprised to see other Turks there who had also become believers. I was hesitant but felt a sense of belonging as I walked in. The warmth of the community and the uplifting message spoke directly to my heart. I began exploring the teachings of Jesus, reading the New Testament and discovering stories of love and redemption that resonated with my struggles. But it was still a battle back and forth between wanting to be a Christian and staying a Muslim.

Jesus spoke directly to me

The pivotal moment came during a conference when I was desperate to hear from God. I prayed, asking for a sign. When a pastor laid hands on me, I felt an overwhelming peace that I had never experienced before. A very, very strong peace in my heart. The next day, I returned to the same place, and as I was prayed for again, I heard a voice inside me say, "I am the one you have been searching for." In Islam, God never talks directly to you. So as soon as I heard him, I said, “You are Jesus.” In that moment, I knew I wanted to accept Jesus into my life.

As I made that decision, I heard a crack in my heart—a real sound. The woman praying for me said, "God is breaking your heart; He is going to give you a new heart." I felt something transformative entering my being, and I knew my life had changed forever.

My faith journey also led me to my wife – I married the 'crazy lady' who had introduced me to the church (Pervin, who is also a host on Kanal Hayat) . We have been happily married for nearly 30 years and have two wonderful children. Looking back, I can confidently say that accepting Christ was the best thing that ever happened to me. And that is a gift I wish my fellow Turks to receive themselves: Christ, our Saviour."

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