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Sokrat & Lenka’s Humble Mission

16 July 2024

Cup of Hope

Supporting the Evangelical Church in North Macedonia

Welcome to your latest Cup of Hope update. Thank you for being a Cup of Hope supporter, providing regular financial support for pastors in Eastern Europe who live by faith as they serve their congregations and communities. This update focuses on the ministry of Sokrat & Lenka Apostolovski, new recipients of your support, working in Volkovo & Saraj.

Pastor Sokrat & Lenka Apostolovski

Pastor Sokrat, born in Skopje, North Macedonia, is married to Lenka and they have two children. They began their ministry in 2003, following a daily walk to a marginalised Roma community where they saw small children playing in a garbage dump and felt a strong calling to help.

Matthew 28:19 became the foundation of their ministry:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...’

Sokrat & Lenka’s humble mission, of teaching Roma children to read and write so they could read the Bible themselves, began with a small group of eager faces in a makeshift classroom. Over the years, more than 500 children & older women have graduated from the programme, many of them pursuing higher education.

Some of them have even gone on to study at Bible college, driven by a new passion for faith and learning.

Sokrat said: “Our purpose was clear: to use educational opportunities to foster a deeper connection with God’s Word. Watching these individuals grow, not just in knowledge but in spirit, reaffirmed the importance of our mission. Through education we opened doors to a brighter future and a stronger, more personal relationship with God.”

In addition, Sokrat & Lenka were asked to pastor a struggling & damaged church in Volkovo over 12 years ago. The church lacked basic facilities, and fear & uncertainty filled the air. Despite this, the small congregation held tightly to their faith and witnessed a remarkable transformation.

Through unity and countless prayers, the church was rebuilt, essential facilities were restored and the community grew stronger.

Sokrat said: “The church in Volkovo has become a powerful testament to faith and resilience, proving that even the most broken places can heal and thrive through God’s grace.

Please pray for Sokrat & Lenka as they faithfully continue their ministry in Volkovo & Saraj. Pray that they will know God’s leading going forward.

Sokrat & Lenka have expressed their gratitude for the financial support through WorldShare’s Cup of Hope initiative which YOU have faithfully supported by regularly giving ‘the cost of a cup of coffee’. Thank you!

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