WorldShare Bookshop
Author donates proceeds of book to WorldShare
We are so grateful that Peter Webley is generously donating all proceeds of his latest book ‘Did I hear you call?’ to WorldShare. He shares with us the purpose of writing this wonderful book:
“I observed that some people who go to church feel like they have little to offer the church. Many have received a call from God but have not realised it was a call for them. ‘Did I hear you call?’ is a small book to help people understand God’s purpose for their lives in simple steps. It is a tool to encourage and equip people to live more fulfilled lives, no longer sitting on the sidelines. I wanted the money generated from this book to be used for God’s Kingdom, so chose to support WorldShare.”
If you would like to get a copy of 'Did I hear you call?' for a donation of £5.99, please complete the form below. The book will be sent to you in the post.