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Supporting WorldShare can be as simple as sharing about our work with others. We want as many people as possible to get alongside our ministry partners as they make Jesus known, bring hope and transform lives. Take a look at the different ways you can get involved today as you share WorldShare with your church family, friends and family.

Engage your church

Does your church want to engage with mission overseas but is not sure where to start?

However God is leading your church in terms of the sort of work you would like to support, as your complete mission partner, WorldShare can connect you with a ministry partner that fits your requirements. Through regular updates, your congregation will be able to see the difference made through your support. Please get in touch to find out more. Contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Andrew Yelland preaching gospel on stage at church


Want to make an impact and fundraise for WorldShare?

Whether it’s something small and simple or something big and adventurous; by sharing the work of WorldShare with others and raising money, you can contribute towards the amazing work of our ministry partners across the globe. If you’d like some fundraising ideas, or are embarking on your own fundraising adventure, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A group of hikers walking outdoors, a bridge and mountains off in the distance.

Cup of Hope Coffee Morning

Could you host a WorldShare Cup of Hope coffee morning, at home or at church?

We have a set of free resources which help you to host a WorldShare Cup of Hope coffee morning, either in your own home or at your church. This is an exciting way to share our work with family, friends and church family, whilst raising money. Watch our fun intro video to see how you could hold your own event, then click here to register and order the resources you will need.

Sharing Worldshare Online

A quick and easy way to share about WorldShare with your friends and family is by posting about us on social media. On our Facebook and Instagram pages, we post fun and regular content, sharing behind the scenes footage, news, prayer points and much more. Give us a follow, then share our posts. We really appreciate the support.